Board Minutes for May 8th, 2019

Meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m by Board president Mike Kilmer. Eric Martin offered an opening prayer.

Present: Charles McQuaig, Becky McQuaig, Clara Long, J. R. Welcome, Eric Martin, Faith Higgins Sherry Duffey, Aaron Rogers, Meredith Reeves, Beth Kilmer and Mike Kilmer

The minutes of the last meeting were approved. Robin Reshard was not present, and will share the treasurer’s report at the June meeting.


Update on Cervantes/Mobile Highway Corridor. The project is still under discussion, with six upcoming meetings scheduled by the Transportation Planning Organization. The cost of sewerage between W and Pace Streets required by the project is estimated at $6.5 million. Solving the problem of water flow south of Jackson Street — where the water would need to flow up rather than down — presents a major hurdle. Mike will revisit the notes from a discussion or this project that he and Evon had with ECUA officials.

Brownsville Manor, Mike reported on adjustments to the project that are different from what HBC and the Paces Foundation had originally discussed, chiefly involving a reduction from two to one walking pathways through the property and high opaque fencing rather than a 4 foot separating the Manor from homes adjacent to the property. The County Development Review Committee is expected to give final approval to the project on Wednesday, May 8.

Changes within Brownsville. The Dixon School has moved out of the Brownsville Neighborhood. Classes will commence as soon as their new facility is ready. The location on H Street makes the school still accessible for Brownsville children.

The future is undetermined for the building that once housed the Pfeiffer Drug Company, and was destroyed by fire. The Cervantes Street location of the property makes it favorable for business opportunities.

Members discussed the historic nature and history of Brownsville. J.R. Welcome has already done considerable research on the topic. J. R. and Faith Higgins will get in touch with Theresa Hill (now living in a Brownsville property once owned by her grandmother) to discuss the pros and cons of “historic district” designation for the neighborhood. Sherry Duffey urged the committee to study carefully the benefits as well as the constraints of taking the historical designation route.

Memorial plaque honoring Gladys Philyaw. Eric Martin and Beth Kilmer will work together to finalize plans for the plaque. Clara Long will procure the county funding.

Slowfest – October 5. Plans are well underway. Mike has met with the mayor and with county and city officials concerning street closing, traffic control, publicity and general support and cooperation the project. We have booked a Vietnamese band from Baton Rouge and will have Latin music, R&B, Jazz and more, featuring local as well as visiting bands. Carter J is spearheading a mural project. Recruiting vendors — of both food and arts and crafts — is a next major step. Please spread the word. Becky raised the question of artists from the neighborhood who might not be able to afford the vendor fees. While fees are recommended to ensure that vendors follow through on their commitments, no Brownsville artist will be turned away.

J. R. Welcome made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:35. Charles McQuaig seconded.


Free Yoga Classes at West Florida Community Health Tues and Thurs 9:00-10.00

Brownsville Assembly of God Farmshares for the remainder of this year: April 20, May 18, July 27, August 24, Sept 28, Oct 19, Nov 9, Dec 14, Jan 11.