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Resident Member ($5) – A Resident Member of the Association shall be any dues-paying person 18 or more years of age residing in a residential address within the Association boundaries. There may be more than one dues paying person per address. Each dues paying Resident Member shall be entitled to one vote in the Association, may serve on the Board, may be an elected officer of the Board, and may serve on Board Committees.
Non-Resident Member ($15) – A Non-Resident Member of the Association shall be any dues-paying non- resident property owner, including the owner of vacant land, rental homes or apartments, businesses, or profit/non-profit agencies and organizations operating within the Association boundaries. A Non- Resident Member shall be limited to one membership and therefore one vote in the Association, regardless of the number of properties or businesses owned by the individual. A Non-Resident Member of the Association cannot be an elected officer of the Board, but may serve on the Board and may serve on Board Committees.
Associate Member ($20) – An Associate Member of the Association shall be any dues-paying person, business, organization or corporation who maintains an interest in the Association and its objectives/purposes. However, these persons, businesses, organizations, or corporations do not reside, own property, or operate a business within the neighborhood. An Associate Member may serve on the Board as ex-officio if appointed by the President, but may not vote and may not hold office.
Interested Non-Member – Select this if you want to receive the newsletter without becoming a member at this point.