
Historic Brownsville Community was founded in August of 2015 and Incorporated in early 2016. We describe our endeavors as:

  • Extending opportunities for communication and connectivity to residents, property owners, businesses/entrepreneurs, and other interested parties (“stakeholders”), through regularly scheduled meetings, to learn about the Association and about neighborhood and community affairs and local topics of immediate interest;
  • Celebrating the history and diverse culture of Brownsville through activities that promote a greater sense of neighborhood pride and positive identity;
  • Enhancing quality of life in Brownsville by partnering with governmental agencies and other public or private, profit or non-profit organizations, to develop programs and services that are based on and support inclusivity, tolerance, and safety;
  • Promoting self-sufficiency and resiliency through partnerships with stakeholders that facilitate instructional opportunities for residents and business owners/entrepreneurs;
  • Involving residents and stakeholders in the ongoing process of updating the Brownsville Redevelopment Plan in a way that results in healthy and sustainable physical, environmental, social, and economic development in the neighborhoods of Brownsville;
  • Initiating economic development opportunities, customized to the distinctive attributes and creative possibilities unique to Brownsville, through partnerships and alliances with governmental agencies and other public or private, profit or non-profit organizations;
  • Empowering residents and business owners/entrepreneurs to become involved in community affairs, developing an effective unified voice to address issues that impact the neighborhood, maintaining a forum for communication and networking between all members of the greater Brownsville community, establishing relationships with other neighborhood associations and coalitions; and
  • Participating in the decision-making process for expenditure of government funds designated for use in the Brownsville area and researching and pursuing additional funding, and programs designated for the enrichment of the neighborhoods of Brownsville.