Phyllis Gonzales of the Department of Children and Families shares this information:
Hello HBC and friends- We have begun the planning for our Cyber Seniors Program. We would like to here from any of the Faith Based community in Brownsville that would be interested in hosting a Cyber Senior meeting in June- The folks from UWF and our Adult Services folks want to introduce the program to folks in Escambia County. I saw a video today about the Cyber Senior program and it is a wonderful way to have students working and connecting with our elderly – teaching them how to use the internet – facebook and how to skype or use facetime. What a great way to help our elderly fight their depression and reconnect with their families and grandchildren in a positive and active way. If you are church or faith based organization and are interested please let me know. Hope you are all having a great week – and look forward to the next meeting. pg Phyllis.Gonzalez@myflfamilies.com